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Ingredient Detail
Chicken, broilers or fryers, meat only, raw
Nutrient Name | Nutrient Quantity | Units (per 100g) | Total Fat | 3.08 | g | Dietary Energy | 0.498 | MJ | Protein | 21.39 | g | Water | 75.46 | g | Vitamin A (Retinol Equivalents) | 16 | μg | Carbohydrate | 0 | g | Niacin Equivalents | 8.239 | mg | Vitamin B12 | 0.37 | μg | Dietary Folate Equivalents | 7 | μg | Vitamin D3 Equivalents | 0.1 | μg | Vitamin E | 0.21 | mg | Calcium | 12 | mg | Copper | 0.053 | mg | Iron | 0.89 | mg | Magnesium | 25 | mg | Manganese | 25 | mg | Phosphorus | 173 | mg | Potassium | 229 | mg | Selenium | 15.7 | μg | Sodium | 77 | mg | Zinc | 1.54 | mg | Methionine & Cysteine | 0.866 | mg | Phenylalanine & Tyrosine | 1.571 | mg | Fats - n3 Polyunsaturated (Pre-formed Long Chain) | 0.06 | mg | Vitamin C | 2.3 | mg | Thiamin | 0.073 | mg | Riboflavin | 0.142 | mg | Vitamin B6 | 0.43 | mg | Pantothenic Acid | 1.058 | mg | Choline | 65.7 | mg | Vitamin K | 1.8 | μg | Phenylalanine | 0.849 | mg | Dietary Fibre | 0 | g | Histidine | 0.664 | mg | Isoleucine | 1.13 | mg | Lysine | 1.818 | mg | Methionine | 0.592 | mg | Threonine | 0.904 | mg | Tryptophan | 0.25 | mg | Valine | 1.061 | mg | Sugars(Total) | 0 | g | Carbohydrate by difference (g) | 0 | g | Alcohol | 0 | g | Cholesterol | 70 | mg | Caffeine | 0 | mg | Total Saturated Fatty Acids | 0.79 | g | Total Monounsaturated Fatty Acids | 0.9 | g | Retinol | 16 | μg | Leucine | 1.605 | mg | Total Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids | 0.75 | g | Cysteine | 0.274 | mg | This component is a member of the following groups: This component does NOT have any specialist units defined.