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Q. jadeybird.com? What's this all about?
The jadeybird allows you to calculate and view the nutritional requirements of each memeber of your family. You can then select or create a meal plan to give you all of your required nutrition over a chosen period. So there's no need to worry about whether you get enough Dietary Fibre, Calcium, or any other nutrient.
Relax, Jadeybird's got it covered.
Jadeybird allows you to ignore the half-truths told to you by the food manufacturers. You want something low in sugar? But the marketers don't tell you that it's loaded with saturated fats. Jadeybird takes in all the information available, checks it against your personal requirements, and makes sure your diet is healthy.
Q. What about my allergies?
You can specify that you suffer from commmon intolerances or allergies, or that you have made dietary choices to avoid certain food types. Vegetarians can avoid meats, vegans can avoid dairy and eggs.