Dietary Fibre
Adequate dietary fibre is essential for proper functioning of the gut and has also been related to risk
reduction for a number of chronic diseases including heart disease, certain cancers and diabetes (see
'Chronic disease' section for further discussion).
There is no single definition of dietary fibre, which is a component of all plant materials. What can be
said with certainty is that most of the components of dietary fibre are carbohydrate in nature, lignin
being an exception. Hipsley first used the term 'dietary fibre' in 1953 to describe plant cell walls in the
diet, which were thought to protect against toxaemia of pregnancy. This term, later taken up by Trowell
(1972), encompassed only components of the plant cell wall that resisted digestion by secretions of the
human alimentary tract, namely cellulose, hemicelluloses, pectin and lignin.
Trowell described dietary fibre as either 'the skeletal remains of cell walls' or as 'remnants of the
plant cell wall' (Trowell 1972, 1975). As it is difficult to determine whether indigestible materials from
plants came from the cell wall or other parts, the definition was expanded to include all indigestible
components of plant origin (Trowell et al 1976). In 1987, the Life Sciences Research Office of the
Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology (1987) adopted a definition of dietary fibre as
'the endogenous components of plant materials in the diet which are resistant to digestion by enzymes
produced by humans'. This definition can be considered to include some components of what is now
known as resistant starch (RS). As pointed out by Southgate (1991), this definition is virtually identical to
that for 'unavailable carbohydrates' as originally defined in McCance & Lawrence (1929).
One difficulty with the word endogenous in this definition is that it excludes, for example, those forms
of RS that arise as a consequence of cooking and processing techniques. It also excludes substances
which are intimately associated with the major components of dietary fibre and which are capable
of having important nutritional and/or physiologic effects such as phytates, lectins, saponins, nonpolymeric
polyphenols, and inorganic constituents. Recent data have indicated that while non-starch
polysaccharides (NSP) are important for human health, RS may be as significant if not more so for many
health conditions (Topping & Clifton, 2001).
Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) defines Dietary Fibre as follows:
'Dietary fibre means that fraction of the edible parts of plants or their extracts, or synthetic
analogues, that are resistant to the digestion and absorption in the small intestine, usually with
complete or partial fermentation in the large intestine. Dietary fibre includes polysaccharides,
oligosaccharides (degree of polymerisation >2) and lignins, and promotes one or more of the
following beneficial physiological effects:
(i) laxation
(ii) reduction in blood cholesterol
(iii) modulation of blood glucose'.
This definition was gazetted in Standard 1.2.8 of the ANZ Food Standards Code in August 2001. The
code also prescribes a number of acceptable Association of Official Analytical Chemists (AOAC)
methods of analysis for total dietary fibre or its components that led to the inclusion of inulin, fructooligosaccharides
and polydextrose in the category of dietary fibre. At the time of publication of the
current document, FSANZ has not assessed a method for assaying RS.
In Australia, the National Nutrition Survey of 1995 indicated that 45% of dietary fibre comes from breads
and other cereal foods, 10% from fruit and 30% from vegetables (NNS 1998). The distribution is similar
in New Zealand, with 44% from breads and cereals, 13% from fruit and 28% from vegetables (MOH
1999). However, it is worth noting that the food data bases for dietary fibre used for these surveys do
not equate precisely to the FSANZ definition as the analytical methods used (AOAC in Australia and
Englyst in New Zealand) measure a different set of components. Nevertheless, the differences have been
assumed to be relatively small.
Resistant starch comes within the FSANZ definition but is only partially assessed using currently
approved methods that account for only about 40% of RS. Baghurst et al (1996) estimated intakes of
RS in Australia and New Zealand based on national nutrition surveys in the mid 1980s for Australia and
early 1990s for New Zealand. This analysis showed an average figure of 4.0 g RS/100 g starch for men,
4.7 g RS/100 g starch for women and 4.5 g RS/100 g starch for children.
It has been postulated that diets high in fibre have a lower energy density and may therefore help in
moderating obesity. The exact mechanisms by which these apparent health benefits may arise have not
been determined. In almost every instance, there exists the possibility that the observed associations are
indirect as a consequence of chemoprotective effects of non-nutrients closely associated with the fibre
components of fruits, vegetables and cereal foods. Further discussion of the potential role of fibre in
relation to chronic disease is given in the 'Chronic disease' section.
Only in the case of laxation is there evidence of both protective (Sanjoaquin et al 2004) and therapeutic
actions (Topping & Clifton 2001). This laxative effect accounts for the role of dietary fibre in conditions
such as hiatus hernia, diverticular disease and haemorrhoids. These latter conditions may also be
affected by adequacy of fluid ingestion. Regional differences in the occurrence of these diseases
generated the original hypothesis of Burkitt & Trowell (1975). However, there are few studies that
have looked at the role of dietary fibre in the aetiology, rather than treatment, of these diseases.
Dietary fibre is the most effective treatment for all forms of constipation due to its influence on faecal
bulk and consistency.
Assessment of dietary fibre needs is complex as the endpoints are ill defined. There is no biochemical
marker that can be used to determine dietary fibre needs, so appearance or disappearance of clinical
endpoints needs to be considered. In keeping with the concept of setting EARs and RDIs or AIs for
prevention of deficiency states, the endpoints chosen in the estimation of requirements were adequate
gastrointestinal function and adequate laxation rather than reduction of risk for chronic disease.
From a meta analysis of about 100 studies of changes in stool weight with various forms of fibre, the
increase in faecal weight due to ingestion of fibre has been estimated (Cummings 1993). An increase of
1 g in faecal bulk can be achieved with an additional 3 g of isolated cellulose, 5.4 g of wheat bran,
1.3 g of isolated pectin and 4.9 g of fruit and vegetables (Hillman 1983). Resistant starch has very limited
effect (Behall & Howe 1996, Cummings et al 1996, Heijnen et al 1998, Jenkins et al 1998). However,
increased faecal weight does not necessarily equate to enhanced laxation as other factors such as water
can affect laxation directly or be a necessary adjunct to increased fibre intakes (Anti et al 1998).
Nutrient Reference Values for Australia and New Zealand. (2006) Published by the Australia Government Dept of Health and Ageing, and the National Health and Medical Research Council. Page: 45